In a letter sent out to various Malawi organizations in USA States and made available to The Maravi Post, Malawi Ambassador in the USA, Edward Y. Sawerengera writes the following:
I have the honor to inform you that, after consultations with leaders of various Malawi Diaspora organizations and associations in the USA, and as one of the agreed outcomes of the 2018 Malawi Diaspora Conference, the Embassy was
designated to solicit ideas from Malawians living in the USA on the formation of a Malawi Diaspora organization in the USA.
The organizing committee of the Malawi Diaspora Conference put up an interim committee to solicit ideas on how the organization would function. The committee consists of Dr Linda Semu, (Interim Chair) with members as follows: Mr. Felix Lindeire, Dr Sitinga Kachipande, Mr Ken Malomboza, Ms Patricia Kankondo, Ms Christina Kamkosi, Mr Mwiza Munthali and Ms Agnes Nkhata-Blackwood.
I emphasize that this committee is only temporary, and its main role is to translate your vision and ideas of what such an organization would entail. It is important that we get wide participation from Malawians living in the USA in the process of putting up this organization. In this respect, I humbly request your office, to advise your membership that they can send their ideas to malawidiaspora@gmail.com.
The interim committee will compile the ideas and I will get back to you with any agreements that may be collected.